1 – 50 Minute Phone Life Coaching Session and Change – Healing and Recovery Audio


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1 – 50 Minute Phone Life Coaching Session and Change – Healing and Recovery Audio

Each person has a soul. Each soul yearns, often, underneath the everyday lives that we lead to be much more fully known, felt, and expressed. Our lives have connection and meaning to the universe. Each life holds sacred purpose. It is in this universal garden of life that life truly is full of new beginnings. Each new beginning is a further conscious awakening on the journey that is living an examined life.

As a life coach and strategist, I have come to realize, that in one way or another, to one extent or another, each and every client I work with is in search of change. In search of some needed or wanted change, whether it has been identified as such yet or not. Change is the one thing in life that paradoxically tends to stay the same. We are engaged with the process and reality of change in our lives whether we are consciously aware and accepting of that reality or not.

There are as many definitions of change as there are individual people questing after, avoiding, or embracing and engaging change in their lives.

Many people are in a process of making some kind of change, generally. Others are in the process of a change that is at the centre of what they otherwise know and are aware of as their own process of healing and recovery from something that has happened to them or something that they have received a diagnosis of.

This life coaching session is bundled with the audio program:

“Change – Healing and Recovery”

Self Help for Change - Healing and Recovery

This audio program is an enlightening examination about the ins and outs of change. The reality is that change is a part of all of our lives. It is more challenging for some people than others in various ways. However, the challenge of the newness of any change is often what inhibits our ability to achieve much-desired and/or much-needed change.

In the audio program, “Change” A.J. Mahari talks about the stages of change, the foundation of change, what change is and why it is part of everyone’s lives and what the main obstacles to change are. A.J. talks about the significance of self-concept and what empowers or disempowers our efforts to create and sustain change in our lives. Mahari also explains the importance of awareness and choices along with awesome gifts that the process of any change offers to us.

Tracks in This Audio Program include:

  • Track 1: An introduction to change, the reality of change and why it is important.
  • Track 2: The Significance of Self-Concept and the ways in which it can impede or enhance change.
  • Track 3: Choices and why choice is everything in the process of any change.
  • Track 4: Common obstacles to change.
  • Track 5: The awesome gift of change – even when change is stressful and challenging.

All Audio Programs are in mp3 format. All Ebooks are in PDF format. Audio Programs and Ebooks are available for electronic download only upon purchase.
