About A.J. Mahari

Let me introduce myself to those of you who may not know me from my other Websites and the numerous (free) articles, blogs, podcasts, and videos I have made available online for over 15 years now.

My name is A.J. Mahari. I am a 54 year old woman, professional writer, Life Coach, BPD/Mental Health and Self Improvement Coach. I have written primarily and specifically about Borderline Personality Disorder (from which I have recovered 15 years ago), Aspergerโ€™s Syndrome (from the adult perspective), as well as Mental Health Issues, Self Help, Sexual Abuse, other forms of abuse, Narcissism, Codependency, Toxic Relationships, Self Improvement and Personal Growth, among other things. I also have have Ebooks and Audio Programs, along with video, and Life Coaching Services on a wider-range of topics of interest to those who are in various stages of identifying and coming to terms with much-needed change. Please see the Mental Health (drop down menu of Self Help Link) and Self Help links in the Top Menu Bar and please check back for many new Ebooks and Audio coming soon.

So much of the journey of life, as does the life coaching process, involves getting to know yourself better. More specifically, getting to know much more about who you really are โ€“ who your authentic self is. It is the authentic self in each and every one of us that I believe is a phoenix rising.

I am a Phoenix Rising, an ever-unfolding work in progress, a wayfarer on the road less traveled. I am a student of life. I am a seeker of all that can bring forward a continued and deeper awareness that can enhance the over-all quality of my experience of every evolving and maturing here-and-now moment in the full mindfulness of radical acceptance of all that is.

Learning to mindfully and radically accept what is provides the Phoenix Rising in each of us with the repeated and universally-timed opportunity of evolution that challenges each of us to throw his/her known self into the fire of examination. A fire that allows us to learn, make progress in any recovery we need, and to grow. We then rise out of the ashes of one fire of self at a time to come to understand aspects of our lives that were previously unavailable to our conscious minds because we were too restricted by our protective false selves to acquire this much sought after and longed for insightful awareness. This profoundly important awareness gifts us with new appreciation and understanding. In turn, then, from the ashes of these fires of self, each Phoenix Rising unearths the space to implement new ways of thinking, feeling, and acting in the world.

Coaching really can help you identify, clarify, plan, and achieve your goals. It can help you get unstuck or unblocked. I help my clients to gain a new, much more in depth and insightful perspective on what is blocking them or keeping them stuck and how to identify wanted and needed change and make it happen in their lives through goal-attainment, among other philosophy and methodology.

Please join me on this most sacred journey wonโ€™t you? I look forward to the opportunity to join you for part of your un-folding journey in working with you as your Coach and supporting you identifying and accomplishing healing, self improvement, recovery, and your goals and dreams. Read one of my ebooks, listen to one of my audio programs, partake of a self help course, watch a video, or avail yourself of my life coaching services โ€“ all of which are designed to aid you on your un-folding journey. This is a journey that is simultaneously universally shared and very individual and personal. It is from this central premise that my ebooks speak to the many layers and intricate nature of self-revelation, self-actualization, and recovery.

No matter what your life circumstance. No matter what your diagnosis or life challenge I hope you will find something Iโ€™ve made available here that will augment your journey with a renewed sense of promise, purpose, passion, and peace.

You can read more about me and my philosophy of life coaching at: Phoenix Rising Life Coaching. You can also visit ajmahari.ca for a complete list of links to all of my web resources.
