Splitting in BPD – Breaking Free of BPD Maze – Loved Ones and Family Members


Splitting in BPD – Breaking Free of BPD Maze  Two Audio Package

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Splitting in BPD – Breaking Free of BPD Maze  Two Audio Package

Splitting in Borderline Personality Disorder
An Understanding for Loved Ones

Splitting in Borderline PersonalityLoved ones of those with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) often grapple to understand this central manifestation of BPD.

In the face of the reality of the splitting that is a hallmark of BPD, loved ones will benefit from coming to realize what the cycles of idealization and devaluation that are the result of the cognitively distorted black-and-white all-or-nothing polarized thinking of those with Borderline Personality Disorder.

It is not possible to rescue someone with BPD from BPD or from the defense mechanism of splitting that is central to BPD. It is important to learn how to cope with the inconsistent reality of the emotional roller coaster of being split by someone with BPD into either and all-good idealized category or an all-bad devalued category.

In this audio program, A.J. Mahari, offers loved ones of those with Borderline Personality Disorder insight and understanding about the central defense mechanism of splitting in BPD and what that means for relationships. Mahari also talks about the importance of loved ones learning to radically accept what borderline splitting really is and means in terms of who the person with BPD in your life really is and/or isn’t.

Coming to terms with this understanding and insight will make it clear to you how and why you cannot rescue someone with BPD and what that really means for you and what it means for relationships.

Loved ones of those with BPD need to radically accept and surrender to the reality that they are powerless to effect much desired change and/or healing in their borderline loved ones.

Tracks in This Audio Program include:

Track 1:  The Roots and Anatomy of Borderline Splitting
Track 2:  The Powerlessness of Loved Ones to Rescue a person with BPD
Track 3:  Whose problem is it really? Why does it feel like your fault?
Track 4: Radical Acceptance of the Powerlessness to Change or Control Borderline Splitting
Track 5: Splitting and the Non Borderline’s Experience of BPD – What About You?

Breaking Free of The Borderline Maze

Breaking Free BPD MazeHow Non Borderlines can break free from the BPD maze – the emotional roller-coaster of drama, chaos and conflict and why they need to.

By: A.J. Mahari © March 2007
Published by Phoenix Rising Publications

Mahari talks about how Non Borderlines can break free from the BPD maze – the emotional rollercoaster of drama, chaos and conflict.

This audio program is 1 hour and 25 minutes of Mahari’s must hear insight and experience. In the audio program, “Breaking Free of The Borderline Maze – Recovery For Non Borderlines” A.J. Mahari speaks from the heart and from experience to those Non Borderlines who need to end their relationship with someone with BPD. She also speaks directly to those who may have ended a relationship but are still having trouble letting go and who may still be more focused on the borderline to the point that it is not good for their own mental health.

Tracks in This Audio Program includes:

  • Track 1: Why am I still stuck? Why does it still hurt so much?
  • Track 2: Mistakes Are Growth Opportunities. Are you ready to Learn Your Way Out of the Maze on the Other Side of BPD?
  • Track 3: Trying to Make Sense Out of the Senseless.
  • Track 4: Two Paths and Two Choices – Are you at this fork in the road on the other side of BPD?
  • Track 5: Recovery For Non Borderlines – What it is and why you need it.

All Audio Programs are in mp3 format. All Ebooks are in PDF format. Audio Programs and Ebooks are available for electronic download only upon purchase.
