Punishment and Revenge in BPD & 1 – 55 Minute Life Coaching Session with A.J. Mahari
Loved Ones of those with Borderline Personality Disorder must cope with a lot. They must come to understand a lot that might have, at one time been very foreign to them. People with BPD struggle with abandonment, shame, and a core experience at a young age of having been invalidated, not having securely attached or bonded, and in many cases (not all) having also been abused.
Loved Ones, for many reasons, as A.J. explores in this latest ebook of hers, end up in the line of fire of those they love. They end up confused, in pain, feeling love for someone with BPD who may well often punish them and/or who seeks revenge when they are triggered, feel invalidated, or don\’t get what it is they want from them.
If you feel lost, confused, hurt, unsure what is going on with a loved who has BPD or who you suspect may have BPD and you’d like to talk about it A.J. would be glad to talk with you and to help you explore coming to terms with what is going on with your loved one with BPD and your relationship (chosen or unchosen) and how you can identify and achieve goals that can and will help you with your pain and confusion.
All Audio Programs are in mp3 format. All Ebooks are in PDF format. Audio Programs and Ebooks are available for electronic download only upon purchase.