False Self to Authentic Self – Preparing For Recovery – Rage Addiction – Finding Hope Audios


In this audio program A.J. Mahari explores the reality of the false self in Borderline Personality Disorder and the healing reality of the connection to one’s inner child. Mahari describes why it is so important to get in touch with his or her inner child and his or her abandoned pain and how that is central to recovery.

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False Self to Authentic Self – Preparing For Recovery – Rage Addiction – Finding Hope Audios

The Inner Child

From False Self To Authentic Self

In this audio program A.J. Mahari explores the reality of the false self in Borderline Personality Disorder and the healing reality of the connection to one’s inner child. Mahari describes why it is so important to get in touch with his or her inner child and his or her abandoned pain and how that is central to recovery.


Tracks in this audio program include:

  • Track 1: 52 Minutes An Introduction To The Inner Child along with Borderline Personality Disorder and The Reality of the Victim Mentality and its connection to the fragmented split-off dissociated from Inner Child.
  • Track 2: 31 Minutes The Borderline Victim and The Need For Insight and Personal Responsibility – Versus The False Self.
  • Track 3: 30 Mintues The Loss of The Inner Child (developing authentic self) to the Borderline False Self and its role In Protecting against what is needed for recovery
  • Track 4: 42 Minutes A.J. describes how, when, and why she met her inner child and what it meant to her recovery and how becoming aware of your inner child – your abandoned pain – can lead to ending self harm and is central to over-all recovery.
  • Track 5: 75 Minutes Borderline Duality – There’s “me” and then there is ME – The Reality of Duality – The domain of the false self and the lost authentic seed locked within the inner child.
  • Track 6: 100 Minutes How You Can Get In Touch with Your Inner Child and Reclaim Your Inner Child – The connection to Recovery and A.J. reflects upon her own experience in getting in touch with her inner child

Preparing For Recovery From BPD

Preparing For Recovery part 1 and 2

Preparing For Recovery FromBorderline Personality Audio Program
In the audio program, “Preparing For Recovery From BPD & Preparing For Recovery From BPD Part 2” A.J. Mahari outlines and explains the foundational steps that can and will faciliate those with BPD getting on the road to recovery. Drawing on her own personal experience as someone who has recovered from Borderline Personality Disorder Mahari provides a profoundly insightful and motivating road map of hope and possibility for recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder.

Tracks in Part One of this audio program include:

  • Track 1: 38 Minutes Preparing For Recovery From BPD – Understanding the False Self.
  • Track 2: 48 Minutes Finding Hope For Recovery in Radically Accepting The Paradox of Pain.

Tracks in Part Two of this audio program include:

  • Track 1: 68 Mintues Asserting Belief and Intention and Cultivating Awareness About Recovery
  • Track 2: 85 Minutes Empowerment and Transformation – Radical Acceptance and Trusting The Process

Rage Addiction in Borderline Personality Disorder

Rage Addiction in Borderline Personality Disorder
In the audio program, “RAGE ADDICTION IN BPD” A.J. Mahari outlines and explains the formidable reality that the rage addiction is to finding recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder. Mahari talks about Rage and the reality that it is an addiction for most with BPD. As Mahari points out, as someone who has had BPD and recovered, been addicted to rage, and who no longer rages, “Rage is an addiction in BPD. It is manifested outwardly in yelling, screaming, name-calling verbal abuse, throwing things, breaking things, even physically abusing others. It is also manifested inwardly by many with BPD who self-harm. Rage is at the heart of cutting, and other forms of self-harm. Even the so-called “quiet borderline” may well be rage addicted. Quiet borderlines often emotionally abuse themselves in brutal and damaging ways and this too is a manifestation of rage.”

Mahari describes in detail the anatomy of rage addication in Borderline Personality Disorder and explains how it is all about choice.

Tracks in this audio program include:

  • Track 1: 22 Minutes Rage – What is it and what causes it?
  • Track 2: 21 Minutes The Storms of Indignation.
  • Track 3: 85 Minutes Mother as The Source of Rage
  • Track 4: 23 Minutes Why is Rage An Addiction For Those With Borderline Personality Disorder?
  • Track 5: 88 Minutes What I Learned From My Own Rage Addiction and The Choice That Needs to be Made In Order to Create the Possibility for Recovery

Finding Hope From The Polarized Negativity of Borderline Personality Disorder

Finding Hope
In this program A.J. Mahari talks about how those with Borderline Personality Disorder can find hope from her own experience as someone who had BPD and has recovered. Mahari knows what it is like to fight the battle of borderline negativity to find her way to the hope that helped her to go on and recover.

Mahari talks about what blocks many with BPD from feeling hope or like they can have hope. Mahari encourages those with BPD to begin to realize the importance of addressing borderline abandoned pain that sits between them and the ability to hold and live from a hopeful place inside.

Mahari talks about, as someone who as been there, the cognitive distortions that have created the polarized ways that borderlines experience their thoughts and feelings and how that polarization is what often blocks hope.

Mahari also outlines the ways that borderlines can work toward welcoming in hope one step at a time through mindfulness and radical acceptance. Mahari also shares a couple of her own experiences when she was in recovery from BPD, in group therapy, that give a clear illustration of the reality of hope as a catalyst for change and the reality of the blessings of paradox.

Tracks in this audio program include:

  • Track 1: The Core Wound of Abandonment – The Source of Negativity in Borderline Personality Disorder.
  • Track 2: The Role of Negativity in Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Track 3: Learned Helplessness – The Result of Cognitive Distortions – how it impacts hope and becomes an obstacle that blocks hope and getting on the road to recovery.
  • Track 4: How To Find Hope From Within The Emotional Storms of Borderline Negativity.
  • Track 5: Applying Mindfulness and Radical Acceptance To Finding Hope, Maintaining Hope and Experiencing Hope as a catalyst for change in the quest for paradox (Wise Mind) – A.J. also shares a couple of her own challenging experiences from her recovery when she was in group therapy that underscore the importance of hope.

All Audio Programs are in mp3 format. All Ebooks are in PDF format. Audio Programs and Ebooks are available for electronic download only upon purchase.
