Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life – 19 Coaching Exercises – End Negative Thought Patterns


Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life – 19 Coaching Exercises To Help You Change Negative Thought Patterns by Life Coach, A.J. Mahari, is a 102 page Ebook chalk full of information and 19 coaching exercises to help you change negative thinking into positive thinking.

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Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life – 19 Coaching Exercises – End Negative Thought Patterns

Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life – 19 Coaching Exercises To Help You Change Negative Thought Patterns by Life Coach, A.J. Mahari, is a 102 page Ebook chalk full of information and 19 coaching exercises to help you change negative thinking into positive thinking. This Ebook stresses how much you will benefit from focusing positively on the here-and-now so that the decisions you are making today will help you create a positive, successful and productive future. And this Ebook doesn’t just tell you that, it provides you with practical exercises that will show you how to create positive change and how to not only stop focusing on the negative, stop worrying, but also stop feeling so stressed and stop ruminating on intrusive, negative, and unwanted thoughts.

Determination and belief are the starting points for the shift from negative thought patterns to positive thoughts that create success. Learning to lay down defenses and open your mind to new, positive, thoughts can and will help you create needed and wanted change. Determination and belief will open you to new opportunities to get to know who you really are and/or more about who you authentically are. Thoughts are energy. Your energy effects all areas of your life. You can quickly and easily learn how to plant the seeds of positive thoughts and positive energy in your life. How can you do this?

This Ebook is based on exercises that will help you to realize real answers that will help you shift your thoughts and energy from negative to positive by getting you in touch with questions that will teach you more about yourself, what you want and how to get what you want – what your goals are and how to achieve those goals.

Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life, will walk you through 19 exercises that will provide you with the steps to realizing real answers and teach you to start asking the right questions. By learning how the mind works, you can understand how to break the cycles that keep you on the outside looking in, instead of where you truly want to be.

The understanding found in this Ebook will open your mind and your eyes to a world which has always been there for you. A world that is waiting for you to engage it. Perhaps you just haven’t known the questions to ask yourself to discover this emotionally peaceful world and unfold it for yourself.

How often have you found yourself looking across the road to discover something lacking in your own life? How often do your negative thoughts and feelings leave you feeling disconnected from others? Disconnected from life going on around you? How often do you find yourself feeling envy about someone else because they seem to have what it is that you want for yourself in your own life? Do you feel lost? Do you feel out of touch with the thoughts that are driving negative feelings and experience in your life?

By Changing Your Thoughts you can remove any illusions or feelings of what you think is lacking in your own life. You can remove the unnamed need that eats away at you day after day. By Changing Your Thoughts you can walk away from a life that is chaotic, codependent, or constantly needing repairs. You can learn to set boundaries, value yourself, and create healthier and happier relationships. You can re-shape your reality. Shift your focus. Create positive, healthy, and lasting change.

Whether you know it or not, your energy is focused and that energy is working in your life, for better or worse. Like electricity, your own energy doesn’t decide it will work in one area, and not another. Electricity doesn’t stop working because the toaster is bad or the stereo is on a negative channel. Electricity flows through the circuit until its loop is complete – over and over again. Your energy acts in exactly the same way. Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life, expands this simple life truth, and shows you how to change the negative circuit path to a positive one so the things you want in your life receive the energy, rather than sending it to the things that are strapping you down, keeping you stuck and blocking your peace and happiness.

Read Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life, today, and start putting your focus and energy into the positive side of things in your life and achieve the goals and success you so want and deserve in your own life. This Ebook will get you into action. Positive, life-changing and life-affirming action.

Excerpt Below

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