BPD Recovery – Finding the Middle


This 68 minute audio program gives the listener a lot to think about when it comes to “borderline focus” and to what the on-going negative impact is to people with Borderline Personality Disorder continuing to try to compare with each other “what it feels like to have BPD”.

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BPD Recovery – Finding the Middle

While there are many pieces, steps, and elements of what recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder is and means and how it is achieved, central to the process of BPD recovery is finding the middle.

This 68 minute audio program gives the listener a lot to think about when it comes to “borderline focus” and to what the on-going negative impact is to people with Borderline Personality Disorder continuing to try to compare with each other “what it feels like to have BPD”. A.J. Mahari asks the question, among others, “Why is it that so many with BPD are so focused on comparing with another how it feels to have BPD and also focused on expecting those who do not have BPD to have any way to truly understand what BPD feels like?” What, if anything does this accomplish? What if anything does this help for those with BPD or their loved ones?

A.J. Mahari recovered from BPD in 1995, she knows what it takes, how it is done, what it means, and how recovery from BPD is a process that unfolds both uniquely for each individual with it and in some universal ways as well because across the individual differences are the main themes of BPD which are shared by those diagnosed with it. Mahari talks about how and why finding the middle is at the center of the process that is recovery from BPD.

This Audio Program includes two tracks:

  • Track One: The Obsession With How BPD Feels – It adds to suffering and keeps people stuck in BPD
  • Track Two: Re-Focusing on the Search For the Middle – Opening to what the process of recovery entails

All Audio Programs are in mp3 format. All Ebooks are in PDF format. Audio Programs and Ebooks are available for electronic download only upon purchase.
