BPD and Abandonment and The Shame of Abandonment Audio Programs


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Borderline Personality Disorder and Abandonment and The Shame of Abandonment Audio Programs Bundle

Abandonment and Borderline Personality Disorder

Abandonment and BPD

In the audio program, “BPD and Abandonment” A.J. Mahari talks about how and why abandonment is at the heart of the cause of Borderline Personality Disorder and the reality that it is also the unresolved trauma of the core wound of abandonment that leads those with BPD to be left without a known self and to abandon the very pain that could set them free from BPD. Abandonment is the major core issue that keeps those who are diagnosed and stuck in the active throes of BPD – stuck. Mahari describes how borderlines can begin to get in touch with this abandoned pain and why it is important to get in touch with it. Reclaiming and facing the abandoned pain of BPD – pain that is the result of having been wounded to the core by the experience and/or perception of abandonment in the first two to three years of life is the path that leads to the road to recovery.

Tracks in this audio program include:

  • Track 1: Introduction to the central role of abandonment in BPD – Abandonment both causes and drives BPD.
  • Track 2: The Effects of abandonment on those with BPD.
  • Track 3: The Abandoned Pain of Abandonment in BPD.
  • Track 4: The Borderline False Self – How and why the Core Wound of Abandonment is Central to the Recovery Process
  • Track 5: The Abandoned Pain of BPD Is A Choice to Continue to Suffer and What That Means
  • Track 6: The Reclamation of Abandoned Pain Is The Road to Recovery from BPD.

“The Shame of Abandonment in Borderline Personality Disorder” Parts 1 & 2 – Audio ProgramShame of Abandonment in Borderline Personality Disorder

In the audio program, “The Shame of Abandonment in Borderline Personality Disorder” A.J. Mahari explores the reality of the impact and scope of shame that is experienced in and through abandonment in Borderline Personality Disorder. Part 1 of this audio program focuses on the sources of abandonment and how they produce shame, The experience and consequences of shame in BPD for borderlines and non borderlines, and The effects of the shame of abandonment for those with BPD and the effects for those who are non borderline.

In Part 2 of this audio program A.J. Mahari focuses on The Shame of Abandonment and its specific and devastating impact on relationships and the purpose that toxic relationships can and do actually promise for both those with BPD and those who are Non Borderline if you are willing to search inside of yourself.

Tracks in part 1 of this audio program include:

  • Track 1: 48 Minutes – The sources of abandonment and how they produce shame
  • Track 2: 42 Minutes – The experience and consequences of shame
  • Track 3: 34 Minutes – The effects of the shame of abandonment

Tracks in part 2 of this audio program include:

  • Track 1: 88 Minutes – The effects of the shame of abandonment on relationships
  • Track 2: 58 Minutes – Codependency and enmeshment – Where Borderlines and Non Borderlines Meet
  • Track 3: 34 Minutes – What Borderlines & Nons need to know and understand about toxic relationship involvement

All Audio Programs are in mp3 format. All Ebooks are in PDF format. Audio Programs and Ebooks are available for electronic download only upon purchase.
