Loved Ones – Understanding BPD and Coping – 10 – 55 Minute Sessions


10 – 55 minute coaching sessions with A.J. Mahari, for those who have a loved one with BPD or have had a loved one with BPD and who want to explore a deeper understanding of what is going on with the person with BPD in your life and how to most effectively cope.

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Loved Ones – Understanding BPD and Coping – 10 – 55 Minute Sessions

10 – 55 minute coaching sessions with A.J. Mahari, for those who have a loved one with BPD or have had a loved one with BPD and who want to explore a deeper understanding of what is going on with the person with BPD in your life and how to most effectively cope.

A.J. Mahari will, in this 10 session package begin to help you to come to the kind of deep and insightful understanding of BPD and what has just happened in your life that can and will help you break free from what is often an on-going emotional roller-coaster of questions. Understanding and identifying goals and working to achieve the goals is a process that takes each loved one his or her own amount of time.

Please Note: Any purchased life coaching sessions are non-refundable.
